Curious About These Gentle Giants Tortoise

They are gigantic

It is the world's largest tortoise species, measuring over 5 ft long and weighing 500+ lbs. The largest recorded specimen was nearly 6 ft long and weighed 919 lbs.


They live long lives

Giant Galapagos Tortoises live long, averaging 100+ years, with some exceeding 150 years. The oldest recorded tortoise was 176.


They are endangered and Protected

The Galapagos Tortoise is listed as endangered due to numerous threats. Ecuador protects them and supports captive breeding programs for conservation.


They can live for year without food or water

they extremely slow metabolism means that they can go for up to a year without eating anything at all. It stores water in bladders to survive in dry wether without water.


They like to nap

Galapagos Tortoises, as reptiles, bask in the sun for warmth. Surprisingly, they sleep approximately 16 hours daily, both at night and daytime.


They are extremely slow

The walking speed of a tortoise is 0.18 mph, reaching 0.5 mph at max. Female tortoises travel about 4 miles to lay eggs.


They have set habits

Tortoises are following set routines for eating, napping, and traveling along familiar routes. Changes occur for survival against weather or predators.


They have set habits

Tortoises are following set routines for eating, napping, and traveling along familiar routes. Changes occur for survival against weather or predators.