5 Animals That Are Colorblind


Dogs are one of the most well-known animals that are colorblind. They have only two types of color receptors in their eyes, which means that they cannot distinguish between red and green.


whales, can only see shades of gray because they have only one type of cone cell. But they can use echolocation, like a kind of animal sonar, to see in the dark.


They can only see shades of gray, blue, and yellow because they only have two types of cone cells in their eyes. This means they have trouble seeing red and green colors. 


Owls are active at night. They can only see one color because they only have one type of cell in their eyes. However, they have more rods and a special reflector in their eyes that helps them see better in the dark.


Reptiles can't see colors like humans do. They have only two types of color receptors in their eyes, while humans have three. They see the world in shades of yellow and blue.