8 Signs You Should NOT Get a Pet Bird

8 Signs You Should NOT Get a Pet Bird

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You Have Little Time to Spend with a Bird

Parrots and most birds need social interaction daily. If not, they may develop behavioral issues. Not choose bird pets if unable to commit.

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Apartment living with close neighbors

Parrots squawk regardless of size. Training helps reduce noise but can't eliminate it. Consider quiet pets for sensitive neighbors.

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You Don’t Like Mess

Parrots create mess with food, toys. Consider clean pets like rats or cats if mess bothers you.

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You Travel Often

Parrots require daily care, social interaction. If you travel often, choose a less needy pet or have a caretaker.

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You Have Young Children

Parrots' hookbills can harm small children. Consider waiting until kids are older for a safer pet bird.

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You Don’t Have Funds for a Pet

Owning pet birds comes with expenses for cages, food, toys, and vet care. Consider volunteering if unable to afford it.

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You’re Allergic to Feather Dander

Check for bird allergies before getting a parrot, as some fur-allergic individuals may also be allergic to feathers.

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Avoid long-term commitment

Parrots live for decades. Choose shorter-lived pets like hamsters or rats if not interested in long-term commitment.