Why Is My Dog Pooping Blood? Everything You Need to Know

Dogs bring happiness and fun into our lives. If you have a dog in your house, it becomes your responsibility to take care of your pet. One of the problems that we are concerned about here is dog pooping blood.The severity of the problem may vary from dog to dog. Here, we will discuss why your dog may be pooping blood and everything related to it.

Let’s dive into the details.

Blood in Dog Stool

The first thing that you should notice in the dog stool is that if it is loose, like diarrhea, and if this is the case, you should consult a veterinarian.

Dogs cant easily express themselves if they are not feeling well. Thus, it is your responsibility to check the dogs’ poop and finding the blood in the poop is alarming. It is a clear sign that your dog is not well.

It will be useful for you if you know how to describe the dog’s bloody poop.

There are two types of dog bloody stools – Hematochezia and Melena. Let’s know about blood in dogs stool what to do in detail.


Hematochezia is the term that is used when there is bright red-colored blood in the dog’s poop.

The color is bright red blood in dog stool because it comes from the lower part of the digestive tract. Another reason it is a bright red color is that the entire digestive process looks fresh when it comes out of the body.

When you see hematochezia, there is a high probability it is accompanied by diarrhea and will have a red-tinged appearance.

Here are the possible causes of hematochezia or bloody diarrhea:

  • Toxins
  • Colitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Anal sac infections or impactions


When blood exists from the upper part of the digestive tract, it will be dark to almost dark and tarry.

Some pet owners are unaware about dark stool can actually mean blood presence. It is called “melena”.

Any illness that affects the stomach or upper part of the intestine, such as inflammation, ulcers, and cancer, can cause melena in dogs.

The possible cause of melena:

  • Infections
  • Ulcers
  • Parasites
  • Tumors
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver diseases
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Clotting disorders
  • Exposure to toxins

Why is My Dog Pooping Blood?

Why is My Dog Pooping Blood?

Many people have a question why is my dog pooping blood? Here, we will see some common reasons your dog may be pooping blood.

Here are the common reasons for dog pooping blood:

  • Constipation
  • Eating unsuitable foods
  • Viral infection
  • Colitis
  • Injury

The dog pooping blood can be sometimes serious, like cancer, blockages, or Acute Haemorrhagic Diarrhoea Syndrome. Thus, it is very important to consult a vet in this situation.

What Are the Other Causes of Blood in the Dog Stool?

Here are some other causes of blood in the dog stool:

  • Eating foreign objects like toys, cooked bones with sharp edges, rocks, clothing, spoiled foods, and garbage.
  • Change in the diet can also be the reason behind blood in the dog’s stool. Food allergies, intolerances, or changes in the food can also lead to diarrhea. Make sure to consult a vet before changing the dog food.
  • Stress is another cause of the blood in the dog’s stool. Stress from fireworks, moving, a new pet, new person in the family can cause blood in stool.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease can also lead to blood in the dogs’ poop. Frequent inflammations caught early will result in red blood. If it is not treated, the blood can become dark red.
  • Pancreatitis is another cause of dogs’ pooping blood. Enzymes are sent to the small intestine by the pancreas. The small intestines become inflamed and infected during pancreatitis in dogs, which results in vomiting and severe diarrhea, which may have mucus blood in dog stool.

Why is My Dog Pooping Blood and Vomiting?

If the dog is pooping blood as well as vomiting, then it can be sign of Acute Haemorrhagic Diarrhoea Syndrome (AHDS), which is considered a life-threatening condition that happens when a huge amount of fluid seeps into the gut. If your dog is exhibiting these symptoms, even though they might be signs of something else, you should see a veterinarian immediately soon because if your dog actually has AHDS, it will require urgent care.

How Can I Treatment My Bloody Dog Poop?

How Can I Treatment My Bloody Dog Poop?

If your dog is suffering from bloody stool, the vet may recommend the following treatments:

  • Medication
  • Change in diet
  • Fluids for dehydration treatment
  • Anti-parasite treatment
  • Surgery

What Can I Do to Make My Dog Feel Better?

Once the dog’s treatment is done, your main priority should be allowing the pet’s inflamed intestines to recover. The pet will provide you with all the necessary information on how to care for your dog as they recover. It may include the following things:

  • No food for 24 hours so that the dog’s intestines get some rest
  • After the rest period, feed a prescription or bland diet for a week or so before gradually getting back to the normal diet.
  • Monitoring the dog for other symptoms or recurring symptoms.
  • Restoring intestinal microbiota by adding dietary supplements can help stop the problem from happening again.


Is Dog Pooping Blood an Emergency?

Yes, the dog pooping blood can be an emergency that may require immediate veterinary care.

How Long Does Blood in Dog Stool Last?

The blood in dog stool can last for a few days.

What Should I Do If My Dog Poops Blood?

You must immediately contact a vet to make sure there is no serious problem.

How to Cure Diarrhea in Dogs?

A bland diet for one or two days can help in making the situation better.

What Food Can Cause Red Stools?

Foods like cranberries, tomatoes, and beets can cause red stools.


In conclusion, we would say that there may be various reasons behind dogs’ pooping blood. Whatever the reason or cause may be, your priority should be the treatment of your dog. Consult a good vet and let him know all the problems faced by your dog. This blog will be very helpful in detecting this problem and thus can help to take quick steps towards their treatment.

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