Cat Grasses

Detailed Information on Cat Grass: From What is it to its Growing Guide

Though felines come under the category of carnivores, sometimes they do crave for grass to munch on! How do I know that? I have a cat a home, she is completely mad about the cat grass.

Have you heard the cat grass for the first time? If yes, then you might not be knowing about the same. So here in this article, I have mentioned everything about it. What is it, How to grow, and its benefits as well.

So without creating any build-up, I will directly move to the part.

What is Cat Grass?

cat grass

Cat grass is the safest option for your pet than outdoor grass (as it may contain toxic pesticides). You can grow it with the help of rye, wheat, oat, or barley. Also, catnip and cat grass are plants with different family backgrounds. Catnip is from the mint family, while the other is an indoor plant.

Growing and maintaining this plant is easy. For beginners, you can also order a cat grass growing kit from the local pet store. Once you have shown the seeds, you will see the perfectly groomed grass within 2 weeks.

There’s no rocket science information about this pet-friendly plant.

How many types of cat grass is there?

How many types of cat grass is there

However, there are different types of cat grass. Let’s look at them:

Barley Grass – grass that can be harvested from barley seeds. The barley grass is rich in vital nutrients and a great source of fiber. They are tender and sweet in nature.

Wheat Grass – grass that can be harvested from wheat seeds. This plant isn’t only good for your pet but can also benefit you. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.

Rye Grass – this is grown from rye seeds. If we look at the nature of ryegrass, it is more durable and flexible. If your feline likes to nibble on grass this one is perfect for her.

Oats Grass – grown from oats. If your cat has a sweet-tooth, it will love the oat grass. They are mildly sweet and more flavorful in taste. Along with these, it has jam-packed proteins and soluble fibers that help digestion.

These are easy to grow as well. Let’s take a look at its benefits and we will move forward to the growing part. Come! Come!


Do you know, why do cats eat grass? No? Then first read that. I haven’t elaborated this section much, just a few bulleted points and you can move ahead.

  • Taste
  • To treat upset stomach
  • For nutrients
  • Natural laxative (which helps in digestion)

Even if it is not eating, make them consume it (but not forcefully). Why? Keep Reading!

What are the benefits of cat grass?

What are the benefits of cat grass

There are numerous benefits of cat grass that you aren’t aware of, hop on:

1. Digestion

Even if your cat is on a healthy diet, there are chances of it having digestion issues. The grass has fiber that speeds up the digestion process and helps your feline stay healthy, they are smart enough to know what’s good for them.

2. Induce Vomiting

Cat grass has properties that make cats vomit to remove the toxic ingredients (it might have eaten accidentally). However, if you see your little friend vomiting more than three times a day, immediately see a veterinarian.

3. Safe green plant intake

Cats eat grass for the above-mentioned reasons, if it nibbles on outdoor grass there are chances of it intaking the toxic pesticides as well. While this indoor grass (grown from natural ingredient) will provide the necessary vitamin, nutrients, fibers, and many more safely. It will also satisfy their craving for grass.

4. Saves Furniture

Some cats are habitual to scratch and gnaw furniture while they are upset or have mood swings. Planting a cat grass will divert them from furniture, thus it acts as a savior.

5. Refreshes Breath

Yes! It does refresh your cat’s breath. How? Cat grass has chlorophyll, which helps in refreshing the bad breath, as it has odor-reducing properties.

How to grow cat grass?

How to grow cat grass

Here comes the real topic. After reading till here, you might be satisfied with its benefits. Let’s see how you can grow them.

Method 1: With Soil

Things required:

  • Pot
  • Cat grass seeds
  • Soil
  • Spray bottle
  • Plastic wrap

Step1: Take a pot and fill it half with soil, now using a spray bottle moisten it.

Step2: Now sprinkle the cat grass seed, a layer of soil, and again dampen it with water.

Step3: Secure the pot with plastic wrap. Make sure to do holes for airflow.

Step4: Place it in the dark area and wait for seeds to germinate.

Step5: Once you see the sprouts coming out, remove the plastic. (Will take 3 to 4 days.)

Step6: Next you have to keep the soil moisten and wait for it to grow at least 2 to 3 inches tall.

Step7: As soon as you see the tall grass, place it in an area where it can get direct sunlight.

Grow cat grass with With Soil

Method 2: Without Any Dirt

Things required:

  • Jar
  • Grow stones
  • Filtered water
  • Paper towel
  • Cat grass seeds

Step1: Prepare the container and fill grow stones up to the 2/3rd part.

Step2: Place paper towel and sprinkle cat grass seeds on it.

Step3: Fill the jar with filtered water but it should be up to the level of the paper towel only (it shouldn’t touch it).

Step4: This level of water is needed for cat grass to grow, so might need to refill the jar.

Step5: Within a few days, your seeds should start sprouting and in a week it will grow tall enough to allow your cat nibbling on it.

Cat Grass: A Healthy Munching for Felines

Cat Grass: A Healthy Munching for Felines


So this is everything that you need to know about the cat grass. It has many benefits for your cat and improves overall health. However, if you see any unusual behavior after consumption, call the vet right away. Don’t ever stop your cat eating or nibbling on grass, it’s good for its own. Though don’t let it eat the outdoor grass it can worsen the situation.

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