Freshwater Fish Species

Are you dreaming of having a little piece of nature in your home? Do you love watching colorful fish swim around, creating a soothing, tranquil environment? Setting up an aquarium at home can help you achieve these things and bring you a lot of joy. The problem is that for beginners it can be challenging since they don’t have experience.

One of the crucial first steps is to choose the right fish species. From small fish to large ones, some fish are easier to take care of than others, making them perfect for beginners. Since you could be overwhelmed with the process, it is a good idea to start out with these fish species and work your way up to more complex ones when you have more experience as an aquarist. In this article, we will go over several of the easiest fish to take care of as a beginner.

1. Betta Fish

Betta Fish

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are a great choice for beginners. Since they are very active fish, they are fun to watch. This makes them a great choice for kids as first fish since they can spend hours watching the fish frolic and play.

Betta fish prefer to live in warm water. The ideal temperature for them is between 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Water quality is very important as they won’t thrive in poor-quality water so be sure to use the leading aquarium UV sterilizers to keep things clean.

Betta fish also prefer a quiet place without too much movement or noise around their tank. Make sure to not add too many other active fish or ones that will want to fight as this will stress your betta and they’ll fail to thrive.

Even though bettas can live in small tanks, make sure to give them a large tank to live in. It gives them more room to swim and stay active.

The key to remember is that bettas are solitary fish and can be aggressive towards other bettas, so they’re best kept alone. If you want to add tank mates, choose species that like to keep to themselves and avoid ones that tend to nip the fins of other fish.

2. Guppies


Guppies are another fantastic choice for new fish owners. These small, colorful fish are known for their easy-going personality.

Guppies aren’t too picky when it comes to their environment. They can do well in a wide range of water conditions. This makes them a great choice for those just getting started that will likely make mistakes when it comes to keeping the tank clean.

Guppies are schooling fish, so they like to have buddies. Ideally, you should keep them in groups of at least three. More space is needed for more fish so keep that in mind if you are planning to have a large school. A 10-gallon fish tank would be a great starting point.

Guppies are omnivores and thrive on a diet that includes both plant-based and protein-based foods. You can feed them high-quality guppy flakes or pellets, along with occasional treats like live or freeze-dried brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.

3. Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras are one of the most popular freshwater fish species, especially for beginners. Their brilliant blue and red stripes make them an exciting addition to any aquarium.

These fish are schooling species, meaning they enjoy having company but usually prefer to be with their own species. They are most comfortable in groups of at least six. To have this many, a tank of at least 10 to 20 gallons is ideal.

Neon Tetras are peaceful and can coexist well with other non-aggressive fish. They spend most of their time in the middle layers of the aquarium. If you are somebody who wants an assortment of other fish, you’ll have plenty of options for species they can share the tank with.

4. Goldfish


Goldfish are probably the most recognized freshwater fish species and are very popular with beginners. Their golden color and graceful movements make them a favorite. Just about every fish owner has had a goldfish at some point in their life.

They’re often put in a small fish bowl as it is assumed to be the best way to keep them since this is how they’re seen in movies and cartoons. However, goldfish require more space than a small bowl to thrive. They can grow quite large, depending on the species, and produce quite a lot of waste. This means that a tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended for a single goldfish, with an additional 10 gallons for each extra fish.

Like the other fish on this list, goldfish are omnivorous and have a hearty appetite. This makes them easy to feed since they can be fed a diet of high-quality goldfish flakes or pellets. However, these should be supplemented with occasional treats of fresh veggies, like peas and lettuce, or protein-rich foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

One thing that makes them a bit of an issue for newbies is the fact that they are susceptible to a variety of illnesses. The most common issues are swim bladder disease, ich, and fin rot. These are often caused by poor water conditions, improper diet, or stress. It’s really important to be diligent about tank maintenance and keep to a regular cleaning schedule.


It may seem like keeping fish is the easiest way to have a pet since you don’t need to walk them or take them to the vet for checkups. Although it can be easy to keep an aquarium, it isn’t as easy as it seems at first glance. This is why it pays to start out with easy fish to take care of.

A fish tank is a great addition to any home and is the perfect way to teach kids how to take care of an animal. Hopefully, this article has helped set you on your way to years of enjoyment with a beautiful and colorful bit of aquatic life in your home.

In case you missed it!
