There are hundreds of species of aquarium fish. Guppies are great first-time fish pets perfect for beginners. They are also a very easy-to-breed fish species. In this article, we’ll be looking at everything about guppy breeding.
Tank Size
Choosing the right tank size is vital to the health and happiness of these fish. They are typically used to a lot of space. So you need to make sure that the minimum size tank you buy is a ten-gallon tank. You can get a bigger tank and your Guppies will be happy. But I really do advise against getting a smaller tank. A larger tank will give your Guppies room to grow, to breed, and to keep their stress levels down, which is very important.
Guppies Behavior
Guppies are not typically aggressive fish. They are considered peaceful and social, which makes for a great tank environment. They are also quite active, so they are a great visual due to breeders creating new strains with more patterns and colors, perfect for keeping in your tank. You’re not likely to get bored watching them, as they are constantly swimming around.
Guppies don’t typically like to hide out of sight unless they are fries, so make sure they are active since this is a good indication that they are happy. Fish that are hiding are probably stressed out or sick.
Guppies Tank Mates
Typically, Guppies do well with more of their own kind. It’s also important to make sure that you have more males than females, or you will have trouble keeping your tank settled!
Besides, the males have pretty colors, so it’s beneficial for visual reasons, too. The good news is the males are not typically violent or aggressive towards each other, which means you don’t have to keep females if you don’t want to.
If you do want to introduce other fish into your tank, it is good to stick to fish with similar, peaceful behavior patterns.
Fish such as Platies, Gourami’s, and Mollies can be a really great addition to your tank. Just make sure that your tank is big enough!
It probably goes without saying, but you should do your best to keep them away from aggressive species, even smaller ones like Tetra fish. They are prone to nipping and can damage their beautiful tails and fins.
Ghost-shrimp is another animal that works well in a tank with Guppies if you’re looking for something a little bit different!
Diet for Guppies
One of the benefits of Guppies is that they are omnivores. This means that they can eat most things that you give them, which is really good. Much other fish are incredibly fussy eaters, so having a fish able to digest a broader range of food is great.
It is typically a good idea to stick to fish flakes, as they are easy to consume. It is a great way to make up the bulk of your fish’s diet. While ensuring that they are getting all of the nutrients that they need to thrive and survive.
It is always best to get a good quality brand, which is high in protein, and low in the filler. This is a good idea for any and all pets that you have. Guppies are absolutely no exception to this rule. Make sure that you are consistently checking the packaging and list of ingredients.
Another way that you can feed your Guppies and keep them happy and content, is by adding in a few treats occasionally. Feeding your fish worms or shrimp (if properly sourced), is a great way to feed them on occasion. You can even give them bits of vegetables. Just remember to scoop out any bits that they don’t eat!
Guppies like to be fed at least once per day but twice is ideal. They enjoy being fed smaller amounts, more regularly. Make sure you don’t feed them too much. As this is a sure-fire way to make the tank dirtier and unhealthy for them. Small amounts are the way to go. After all, you can always add more food if they are still hungry!
Because they are omnivores, it is best to practice to feed them a myriad of food. In this way, you should try and feed them flakes as well as live/frozen food and vegetables. This allows them to have a balanced and healthy diet that will let them thrive and keep them nourished and happy. This is vital to their health!
When and if you have fry in your tank, you will have to feed them more regularly than your adult Guppies. They typically need to be fed at least five times per day, in small amounts, in order to keep them healthy and thriving.
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