Imagine the cute Pomeranian and hyperactive husky breed together; this is what you get in a Pomsky Puppy!
What is a pomsky? Pomsky is a small to medium-sized dog breed resulting from crossing two popular dog breeds, Pomeranian and Husky. One of the first things you’ll notice about this breed is its beautiful and silky coat. These dogs look cute, adorable and are also quite intelligent and active. They inherited several characteristics from their parent’s breed. If you’re planning to get a pomsky, this blog is a must-read! In this blog, we will learn about the pomsky dog breed. From their temperament and characteristics to their health problems and costs, I’ve covered all the important details about the pomsky breed. So, don’t skip anything and keep reading till the end.
Let’s begin with an overview of the pomsky dog.
Pomsky Dog Overview
Breed Group: Hybrid Group
Origin: United States
Height: 10 to 15 inches
Weight: 20 to 30 pounds
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Coat: Medium
Coat Colors: Blue, brown / chocolate / liver, gray, red, and white
Temperament: Outgoing, playful, willful, and active
Needs for Grooming: High
Hypoallergenic: No
To get more information and details, let’s delve into the origin and history of the pomsky dog breed.
- Unlike the other dog breeds, this one doesn’t have a long and rich history.
- The Pomsky dog breed recently appeared in 2012, when Peterson and Joline Phillips decided to create a new breed by cross-breeding a Pomeranian and a Siberian Husky.
- The result is a small-sized, gorgeous, pomsky pup.
- Unfortunately, the American Kennel Club did not recognize the pomsky dog breed. However, the International Pomsky Association only permits reputable breeders to register and certify pomsky puppies.
- You can already see in the above picture that the pomskies are adorable and cute, which is hard to resist.
- Immediately, you’ll notice that they have gorgeous coats in fabulous colors.
- When it comes to size, this basically depends on which parent a pup inherits the most traits from. For example, if a pomsky pup inherits most traits from its husky parent, it will appear just like a smaller version of the Siberian husky.
How big does a pomsky get?
On average, these canines are about 10 to 15 inches tall and 20 to 30 pounds in weight. To understand it better, here is the growth chart of the pomsky full grown along with the Pomeranian and husky canines:
Siberian Husky:
Age | 3 months | 6 months | 1 year | Fully grown |
Height | 10–12 inches | 14–16 inches | 20–24 inches | 20–24 inches |
Weight | 18–30 lbs. | 26–43 lbs. | 34–57 lbs. | 35–60 lbs. |
Pomeranian Size Chart:
Age | 3 months | 6 months | 1 year | Fully grown |
Height | 4–6 inches | 6–10 inches | 8–11 inches | 8–11 inches |
Weight | 1–3 lbs. | 2–5 lbs. | 3–7 lbs. | 3–7 lbs. |
Pomsky Growth Chart by Weight:
Age | Average Weight |
1 week | 7.5 lbs |
5 weeks | 9.6 lbs. |
2 months | 12.7 lbs. |
3 months | 16 lbs. |
4 months | 20.6 lbs. |
5 months | 25.5 lbs. |
6 months | 30 lbs. |
7 months | 35.2 lbs. |
8 months | 39.1 lbs. |
9 months | 42.9 lbs |
10 months | 46.2 lbs |
11 months | 48.3 lbs. |
12 months | 50 lbs. |
18 months | 55 lbs. |
Coat Colors
The Pomsky dog breed is available in the following coat colors:
- White Pomsky
- Brown Pomsky
- Blue Merle Pomsky
- Red Merle Pomsky
- Orange Pomsky
- Black Pomsky
- Red Pomsky
- Gray Pomsky
- Black and White Pomsky
- Blue Pomsky
- Lavender Pomsky
- Sable Pomsky
Characteristics and Temperament
- You don’t have to worry much about the temperament of the pomsky dogs, as they have amazing parents from whom they inherited great personalities.
- Pomsky has a cool and calm temperament with a loving and friendly nature.
- These pups have an adventurous spirit, boundless energy, and love to explore new things.
- They immediately create bonds with their owners and are very loyal to them.
- They also live comfortably in small houses and apartments.
- However, sometimes they can be mischievous, testing your patience and demanding more attention.
Health and Nutrition
Even though the pomsky is considered a healthy dog breed, they still have some health concerns majorly inherited from their parent’s breeds, such as:
- Patellar Luxation
- Allergies
- Hip Dysplasia
- Eye Problems
- Ear Infections
- Dental Issues
- Hip Dysplasia
- Collapsing trachea
This is why visiting the vet regularly for checkups and medical care is highly recommended. This way, the vet can detect any medical condition before it worsens.
Also, a balanced diet is crucial for pomsky puppies to stay healthy.
So, what type of food should be given to the pomsky dogs?
Even though pomsky dogs are small to medium, they’re still highly active and playful animals. Hence, they need a diet rich in nutrients and proteins, including wet and dry dog food.
Here is the list of foods that you can and can’t give to your pomsky dog:
- Chicken, turkey
- fish, and lean beef
- Apples, blueberries, carrots, and green beans
- Carrots, peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes (cooked).
- EggsOlive oil or coconut oil.
- Plain yogurt and cottage cheese (in limited amounts).
- Cooked bonesGrapes, raisins, and citrus fruits
- ChocolateXylitol or artificial sweeteners
- Onions and garlicMacadamia nuts
- Alcohol and caffeine
Whether you want to give new dog food or home-cooked food to your pomsky pooch, it’s vital to give it in small quantities and monitor for allergies and symptoms of sensitivities. You can consult your vet to create a specific diet plan for your pup’s needs and health requirements.
Exercise and Training
- Don’t get fooled by the pomsky’s small size, as these canines require as much exercise and training as other large and active breeds.
- These dogs are highly energetic and always ready to play, so take this as an opportunity to train them.
- It’s important to figure out what type of exercise and training your pup needs.
So, how much exercise does Pomsky need?
- The Pomsky dog breed requires at least 1-2 hours of daily walking and playtime. You can take your puppy for walks on different routes and trails, making the session fun and exciting.
- Make sure to put them on a leash while walking, but you can put them off-leash in parks so they can freely run and play with other pets.
- You can engage your pomsky pup for indoor entertainment with games like fetch and frisbee, swimming, and hide-and-seek.
- When it comes to training, use positive reinforcement methods and keep the training sessions short.
- Early socialization is also something you need to consider, as this helps to control anger and behavior.
Grooming Requirements
- Pomsky canines have dense and thick double coats, so they need extra care and grooming.
- These fluffy coats help them stay protected in hot and cold climates.
- Pomsky requires daily brushing, or at least 2-3 times a week, to keep their coat tangled and dirt-free.
- Also, one bath every 3-4 months is needed to keep your pomsky’s coat shiny and healthy.
- Regular nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental care are also essential components of Pomsky grooming.
- Pay attention to the grooming of your pomsky pup so that they’ll stay healthy and happy all year.
Are Pomskies Hypoallergenic?
No, the pomsky dog breed is not hypoallergenic. These canines have thick coats, and they shed moderately throughout the year. This is why this breed is not recommended for people suffering from pet allergies.
How much does a pomsky cost?
Pomsky is one of the most expensive dog breeds, as it is a famous designer breed across the United States. The pomsky price can range from $2,000 to $5,000. However, the price can depend on factors like breeder reputation, coat color, and location. Also, remember that the first-generation Pomskies are more expensive than the other generations.
Where can I buy a pomsky?
If you want a pomsky at a lower price, you can search ‘pomsky puppies for sale near me’ on Google, and you’ll get a list of reputable breeders in your local area. You can also adopt a puppy from a rescue center or a local shelter.
Life span
How long does a pomsky live?
The average lifespan of pomsky is about 12- 15 years when provided with a good lifestyle.
Yes, the pomsky dog breed is known to shed moderately to heavily during their shedding season. This is why regular brushing and grooming are recommended to manage shedding.
Pomsky are friendly and social dogs, but they still need early socialization and proper training. This will help control their behavioral issues and their prey drive or anger.
Yes, pomsky canines are prone to separation anxiety if left alone for a long time or not given the attention they need. For mental stimulation, give them enough play time and activities.
Bring Home a Pomsky!
Pomsky is a fun, loving, and loyal canine, making it an excellent family pet. They behave well around kids and other pets. A unique blend of Pomeranian spunk and Husky charisma will bring happiness to your family. However, these canines have high grooming requirements and need plenty of attention and health care. Apart from these, pomskies also need proper training, daily exercise, and early socialization.
So, if your heart gets stuck on a pomsky puppy and you can provide proper care and attention, get one ASAP! e and activities.
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